
Category : Parasites

According to researchers, 95% of the population is infected with one or more parasites.

Parasites of the cause of infection - how does it occur?

  • after eating food or water infected with parasite eggs,
  • by droplet: inhalation of contaminated air,
  • vectors (mosquito, tick),
  • lack of hygiene or use of shared sanitary facilities,
  • sexual contact
  • damaged skin, mucous membranes,
  • contact and play with animals.

Most often, parasites attack via the digestive tract. They choose the intestines for their whereabouts. There they establish colonies and breed. They often pass into the blood or lymph, and with their stream go to other organs: liver, lungs, muscles, heart, skin, brain, joints, ear and eye. While the intestinal period of their stay is troublesome and exhausting, the organ can be a deadly threat!

Parasites work to our detriment:

  • mechanically irritate the intestinal mucosa,
  • lead to erosions, ulcers, chronic bleeding,
  • toxins and excretions of parasites cause local inflammation and systemic allergic reactions,
  • steal from the host organism of nutrients until extreme exhaustion,
  • inhibit the host's ability to absorb nutrients, resulting in nutritional deficiencies and cellular hunger,
  • impede and impair the digestive process of food, block the supply of digestive juices to the intestinal lumen (conduits leading the liver, pancreas, intestinal glands) - cause intestinal obstruction.

Parasites like vitamins, microelements, especially iron and hormones, protein and carbohydrate food and sugar. They devour it all and release toxins, weakening immunity. They block the immune system, thus compromising organ tissues. As a consequence of harmful ecological conditions, the use of chemical medicines, in particular antibiotics, fatigue, stress, improper nutrition, and the consumption of preservatives, immunity decreases.

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