Food intolerance blood tests

Food intolerance is the body's wrong reaction to some foods.
People suffering from this condition may have both one and several of its symptoms.

Food intolerance is not the same as an allergy

With standard food allergies, acute and immediate immune responses usually occur after eating specific foods. Symptoms usually appear within a few minutes of ingestion of the allergen or coming into contact with it. Symptoms of a food allergy are sneezing, rash, skin irritation, runny nose, swelling, fatigue, diarrhea or vomiting.

In the case of food intolerance, the reaction can be delayed in time. Symptoms may appear after several days. Symptoms of food intolerance are not usually combined with foods - they are diagnosed as separate ailments. They are usually non-specific, often double or multi-organ.
It is worth knowing that food hypersensitivity may appear unexpectedly at any age. The problem may be the same for children and the elderly. Statistical studies say that 90% of children and 75% of adults suffer from food intolerance - unfortunately, the upward trend continues. Everything also indicates that food intolerance can be hereditary. If one of the parents suffers from it, the risk of having a child is 40% when it occurs for both of them - the likelihood of it increases by up to 70%. You can also inherit her from grandparents.


Why should you do a food intolerance test?

The food intolerance test is a fast, colorimetric, microplate test for measuring IgG antibodies specific for up to several dozen nutrients. The measurement is made on a blood sample for a set of up to several dozen nutrients. Food intolerance studies are safe and effective.


Who should do food intolerance tests?

Any person who has noticed symptoms such as:

test na nietolerancję pokarmową

  • Headaches,
  • Stomach pain,
  • Rash,
  • Acne,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Insomnia,
  • migraines,
  • Water retention
  • Constant tiredness
  • Bowel problems,
  • Sinus problems.


What should I know about the test?

The food intolerance test we offer is based on the ELISA method (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbet Assay). The tests meet the standards of in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDD98 / 79EC), are characterized by high sensitivity, specificity and repeatability of results, which are authorized by a laboratory diagnostician.

Test na nietolerancje pokarmowe - food test
The food intolerance test includes 40 food antigens, grouped into 21 classes.

Food intolerance test - how to read the result?

The result of the FoodTest 40 food intolerance test is a quantitative result, which means that you will receive numerical information about how strong the reaction of intolerance to a given product is, which will allow you to optimally choose the elimination time of a given product from the menu.

Each test result is accompanied by its interpretation - a description that will allow you to better understand the result. Additionally, in Revitum, you can discuss the result of a food intolerance test with a specialist who will help you choose the right diet. Positive reviews and an attractive price should further encourage you to perform the test.


Do you have a question?

Send us a message via the form or call the National Hotline number: ph. +48 222 502 888. Consultants are waiting for your call between 8:00 and 18:00.

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