Vitamin D Test

Investigate the level of vitamin D, which affects the functioning of your body

Testing for vitamin D levels is very important. Unfortunately, most of us do not realize how its deficiency affects our body. First of all, its role is to maintain the correct concentration of calcium in the blood, and thus the proper structure of the skeleton. In addition to the skeletal system, it also affects the nervous, muscular, immune, circulatory and reproductive systems. (Read more about vitamin D)

Test poziomu witaminy D
You should know that the term "vitamin D" is not unambiguous. Many types can be distinguished, each of which has a different effect, and the wrong level of its concentration may be due to different reasons. Therefore, it is important to properly assess their content. To meet the latest trends in personalized medicine, Cambridge Diagnostics has created a set for self-collection of blood in the form of a dry drop. Due to the low invasiveness, the method also works well for small children and newborns. The exact result is delivered to the customer in a few days in digital form. Thanks to this, vitamin D testing is simple and runs smoothly.
At the same time, the use of the reference method (LC-MS / MS) enabled the selective, accurate, quantitative determination of the metabolites: 25 (OH) D2, 25 (OH) D3, 3-epi-25 (OH) D3 and 24.25 (OH) 2D3 .





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