Body load test

It is one of the most accurate and fastest ways
to correctly determine the cause of the disease.

Body Load Test (EAV test, Volla test) is a well-known and appreciated diagnostic method created by Dr. Volla, used throughout Europe for over 30 thousand. specialists.

Performing the Load Test is completely painless and non-invasive. To date, we have helped 120,000 people in Poland to remove their diseases and recover.

Why is it worth carrying out a body load test?

The Body Load Test as the only diagnostic test fully and comprehensively detects and recognizes the load on the body that causes diseases. Depending on your lifestyle, you also notice increased susceptibility to biopathogenic factors. By removing loads, we remove diseases. Eliminating the burden on the body allows for full recovery. The correct diagnosis of the disease is the basis of appropriate and effective treatment. One Voll Test will determine the causes of lesions.

The course of the body load test
Body Weight Test is a comprehensive overview of your body's health. This means that during the test you will learn everything about what is happening in your body, what lesions occur, what should be done to eliminate the discomfort. In one test, the specialist determines what loads threaten you and are responsible for your disease.


Part I

  • The specialist checks the functioning status of your organs and body systems.

Part II

  • The specialist informs what loads are in your body. The main loads include: fungi, toxins, heavy metals, parasites, gluten metabolism disorders, viruses, vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Part III

  • You get test results and a specialist discusses them thoroughly with you. What's more, it prepares for you an individual form of weight removal treatment that will help you return to full health.

Load Test and what next?

During the EAV Test, you will not only find out where your disease comes from, but also what to do to eliminate it! The specialist from the moment of the test will watch over the course of your treatment.

In Revitum, constant and individual care is the basis in the fight for health. Every day, we strive to ensure that people who need help receive it at the highest level. Since 2008, we have been helping those who have found that only by removing the causes of disease, they also remove symptoms. We have already helped over 120,000. people!

The Body Load Test is a diagnostic that is the beginning of the fight for health. No pain and no side effects.

Performing the Body Load Test enables:

  • early detection of the disease in the body
  • detection of acute and chronic inflammation
  • detection of the nature, cause and stage of the disease that is currently undergoing treatment
  • detection of subclinical intoxication of the body e.g. with parasites, toxins, microorganisms or harmful environmental factors
  • recognition and identification of toxic substances in tissues that cause allergic reactions and food allergies
  • detection of immune disorders
  • detection of metabolism disorders
  • supporting the treatment of existing hereditary diseases
  • supporting the reconstruction of the immune system
  • determination of overall health

Test Obciążeń Organizmu

You can do the Load Test in one of our branches:

  • Warsaw
  • Łódź
  • Gdańsk
  • Cracow
  • Wrocław
  • Katowice
  • Poznań


Do you have a question?

Send us a message via the form or call the National Hotline number: ph. +48 222 502 888. Consultants are waiting for your call between 8:00 and 18:00.

The cost of the connection is equal to the cost of the local connection.

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